Monday, January 09, 2006

Here's a letter I wrote to the editor of the Sydney Morning Herald (Australian broadsheet) in
response to a dodgy letter published a few months ago. My letter wasn't published - but I guess that's why they invented blogs... :)

I looked up the origin of the adage “about a prophet being without honour in his country”, which Ron Elphick (letters 25 August) applies fawningly to Australia’s current Prime Minister. An earlier use of this ‘adage’ is by Jesus of Nazareth presumably about himself, in Luke chapter 4. The odd thing is that it comes just after Jesus, also quoting, asserts that his mission is to ‘preach good news to the poor, proclaim freedom for the prisoners and release the oppressed’. After Iraq, Tampa, wacky fridge magnets and Akubra wearing jingoism can we really compare the PM and his ‘mates’ to Jesus? I don’t think so, Ron.


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